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As a coach, practitioner, counselor, therapist, or energy worker ….

Have you ever experienced these in your practice? . . . 

  • You get low conversion from discovery call to paying client?

  • Your clients distrust your abilities, credentials or background?

  • Clients lose interest after initial call or meeting?

  • You lack confidence in your own intuitive abilities?

  • You sense professional boredom or apathy?

  • You love to help people but are starting to get compassion fatigue?

  • Bradley Tompkins

    Now there's a fun, powerful and effective system that changes all of that!

    What is the Pathway Discovery Process?

    My name is Bradley Tompkins and I am a master practitioner and trainer of NLP.

    Over the past 20 years of working with hundreds of clients, I developed a highly effective system to build your intuitive abilities for self-discovery and when working with clients in a coaching or therapeutic setting. As a certified clinical hypnotherapist, I use this system daily with prospective and current coaching clients to get to the heart of issues that lie hidden from ordinary conversations.

    I want to get this process to as many people as possible that’s why I’m offering this free webinar.

    When you come to this webinar you will learn the keys to tapping your inner genius to you can help more people on the road to personal growth and transformation.

  • Gain Rapport With Clients at the Deepest Level

  • Traditional approaches to rapport depend on old-school methods of matching and mirroring, similarities, and language frames. This system teaches you how to access the unconscious mind in a friendly way that puts clients at ease. Get them talking and sharing so they can experience change.

  • Learn the Language of the Unconscious Mind

  • Ordinary language patterns are not enough. This system empowers you with symbols, images, and abstract concepts so people freely explain and explore their inner world. Beyond presenting problems and surface structures they hidden truths, capacities and limitations that usually only show up after many hours days or even weeks. This system accelerates that dramatically!

  • Double Your Intuitive Abilities!

  • We all have intuitive capacity because it’s a basic human quality. This system shows you how to level-up your intuitive abilities rapidly. What would it mean to add this to your coaching or therapeutic toolbox and go beyond traditional techniques from formal education and certifications? 

  • Bonus: SEE MORE BELOW  

  • Just for registering for this webinar, you will gain immediate access to a free Intuition Training Guide. 

    I'm Ready! Sign Me Up for the Webinar!

    Pathway Discovery Process


    We Value Your Privacy!

    Pathway Discovery Process is the solution to elevate your practice to new and exciting levels. 

    Helping people doesn't have to be boring, clinical or generic anymore!

    How will this system benefit you? 

  • Book paying clients who are actually motivated to change!

  • Help your client or partner open up and discuss hidden meanings

  • Elevate your confidence when helping clients open up

  • Reduce client anxiety and generate curiosity

  • Improve client perception and put them at ease

  • Enter their model of the world quickly and authentically

  • Develop your intuitive abilities

  • Break the ice with new acquaintances and potential clients

  • Open discovery calls and identify the real issues

  • Differentiate yourself from others in your field

  • Reconnect and establish rapport quickly

  • Discover latent intentions and mental blocks easily

  • Elicit current themes and intentions for a session

  • Get to the deeper issues faster

  • I want you to experience the  immediate transformation you've been looking for!

    Our next live training session is scheduled for: 

    March 24, 2022 

    (Training details will be sent to you via email)

    I'm Ready to Maximize my ...



    Intuition Training Guide

    Resources for Accessing your Genius

    Are you ready to tap your deeply held creative genius?

    Inside you’ve got a warehouse of knowledge! Beyond the insight and memory of your own life, lies the wisdom and the energy to take action and transform your life into the next version of yourself.

    Are You Ready ...

    to tap into your deeply held creative genius?

    Are You Looking ...

    for the keys to that domain of your mind and heart?

    Are You in a helping ...

    career or looking for ways to advance your abilities in the transformation field?

    The Tompkins Method Intuition Training Guide
    can answer these questions and more.

    YES! Sign me up for the Webinar and and Send Me the Guide
  • Are you in a helping career or looking for ways to advance your abilities in the transformation field?

  • What principles or practices open the door and let you tap and expand consciousness so you flow rather than struggle to understand yourself and other people?

  • We’ve assembled the guide with you in mind: The resources you need to answer questions and get started immediately building your intuitive abilities. Not just generalities and vague ideas but the powerful steps to open your mind and start seeing what’s right in front of you.

    Pathway Discovery Process